Solved the traditional UV printing drawing problem

Building a UV printer that everyone can use based on mobile devices

Powerful and easy to operate

Scan and upload image design

Everyone involved

Self designed, shared images

Flexible application and mobile control

Printer controlled by mobile phone

Extreme peace of mind, making printing infinitely possible

The open platform has been upgraded to provide more abundant UV printing open capabilities and cloud printing solutions

Local API

Local standalone application

Network API

Web, apps, applet and other networking needs

Customization function

From product development to design services

Open platform guide
Create an account
Create a developer account
Contact Us
Log in open platform
Obtain device information
Access to open platform
Request API
Call API
Using open API
How to request API?
Step 1, Get Pirnter ID and Key
Log in and get your printer id and the device key.
Step 2: Generate Signature
Select the method of signature generation based on your development language, and generate a signature using an encrypted algorithm based on printer id, key, random number, and create time.
Step 3: Request API
Initiate a request to the API interface through POST. Please refer to the calling methods for each API《OpenAPI》
Step 4: Parse JSON results
Parse JSON results in your programming language to implement your business logic and functionality.